Film Analysis-Wonder
Wonder is a American drama film directed by Stephen Chbosky and written by Jack Thorne. It's based on the novel by R.J. Palacio. The film stars Julia Roberts as Isabel Pullman, Owen Wilson as Nate Pullman and Jacob Tremblay as August 'Auggie.' Some of the main themes in this film are family, conflict, friends and bullying. In November 2012 it was announced that Lionsgate was developing the feature film. David Hoberman and Todd Lieberman produced the film. The film was nominated for best makeup and hairstyling at the 90th academy awards. Jacob Tremblays prosthetic makeup took an hour and half to apply. It consisted of a skull cap and prosthetic ears attached, a facial prosthetic that covered Jacobs face and then a wig. David Hoberman started off his career at American Broadcasting company and later joined Norman lear's Tandem Productions. He then later went onto working at Walt Disney Studios as a film executive. In 1995 he founded Mandeville Films with his business ...